Libertad Religiosa y confesiones. Derecho eclesiástico del Estado Colombiano
Publisher: Ed. Temis-Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotá
Publication Place: Bogotá (Colombia)
Pages: 273
ISBN: 9789583506505
Category: n\a
Ecclesiastical Law has not a strong academic tradition in Colombia as an autonomous teaching included in the Law Schools programs. However, there are many laws dealing with religious matters, especially after the Constitution of 1991. Before this date, the relationship between Church and State regarded only the Catholic Church; in the last decades the growth of Evangelical Churches changed the situation and in 1997 the first agreement with them was signed. The Constitution of 1991 and the following laws based the relationship between the Colombian State and the different churches (not only the Catholic Church) on the principles of neutrality of the State, cooperation of the State with the religious groups and equality of different religions.
Table of contents
Prólogo Presentación
I. Nociones introductorias
II. Historia de las doctrinas sobre las relaciones entre la iglesia y el estado
III. La Libertad religiosa como derecho humano
IV. Derecho eclesiástico del estado colombiano ANEXO I Ley 133 de 1994 (mayo 23) ANEXO II Concordato de 1973 entre la Santa Sede y la República de Colombia ANEXO III Decreto Número 354 de 1998 (Febrero 19) (Convenio de Derecho Público Interno número 1 de 1997) ANEXO IV Índice de las principales Sentencias citadas